About Me

My name is Rechel, and I am a 370 pound woman on a mission.  My mission is one of spiritual growth and self improvement.  Rechel’s journey is an experiment upon the Word.  It is a spiritual  journey about becoming….  It is a quest about moving out of the darkness and into the light.  I have lived my whole life hiding behind a cloud of sorrow, shame, self-loathing, doubt, pity and every other negative affirmation that one could come up with.  These negative feelings are not of God.  They are tools of the adversary to keep us in darkness and away from the purifying and healing light of the Lord.  He is the Master Creator.  He created our bodies, and He knows what we need to do to sustain it.  Most of all, He our Father, and as a Father, He wants His children to be happy.  I know He wants that for me, and I know He will help me to achieve it. 

My goal for this blog is primarily to document my progress on this journey. I also want this blog to be a platform to talk about the realities of  living a life with obesity, and to provide some resources to help those individuals or family members in need  and to share my experiences with the hope that it will help someone else who is living in darkness to reach for, and find that light that they seek in their own lives. 
